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The Flu Vaccine: Pregnant Women and their Families Need It!

Thank you to this week’s guest blogger, Dr Richard Robbins! Flu vaccine will be available VERY soon. Our first shipment is due at our office in 2 weeks! If you are pregnant, flu vaccine is important both for you and your unborn child. Why? Pregnant women naturally have weakened immune systems for the duration of the pregnancy. National statistics confirm pregnant women have more risk of severe infection and even death from flu. Plus, severe flu infection can trigger preterm labor.  Read more

CA 125 – Does it really help us detect ovarian cancer?

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… A new study released by MD Andersen suggests we should take a second look at drawing CA 125 levels in postmenopausal women to help predict the development of ovarian cancer.  Until the release of this new data yesterday, studies suggested we should avoid drawing CA 125 levels in healthy women.  As explained in an excellent article on CancerConnect.com, CA 125 blood  Read more

Improving Fertility for PCOS Patients with Simple Diet Changes

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… A recent study completed in Tel Aviv suggests eating the majority of calories at breakfast time can improve ovulation in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome.  As we know, patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) typically have trouble with elevated insulin levels also known as insulin resistance.  The elevated insulin levels effect the reproductive ho  Read more

A Proven Anti Aging Remedy

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… A recent study by Australian researchers suggests that the best anti aging remedy is simply applying sunscreen regularly. It is back to basics. You can spend lots of money on all the expensive anti aging concoctions promoted by the cosmetic companies or you can just make sure you protect yourself from the sun.  The study randomized 903 adults into 2 groups – those that used sun  Read more

Obesity as a Diagnosed Illness

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… A recent decision by the American Medical Association recognized obesity as a diagnosable illness.  Previous obesity was just a description or symptom.  As a diagnosable illness, insurance providers may be more willing to cover costs of weight loss interventions. In our practice, we see overweight and obese patients struggle with weight loss.  I am hard pre  Read more

I’m having hot flashes. Does it mean I’m starting menopause?

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… We all know hot flashes and night sweats are very common symptoms of menopause.  But, a new study by The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) suggests many young premenopausal women have hot flashes too.  I often have women in the thirties and forties complain of night sweats or hot flashes.  Typically, they come to our office concerned their hot  Read more

Do you feel your baby clock ticking? Can we buy more time? Egg freezing – is it really an option?

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… I recently read the Wall Street Journal article written by Sarah Elizabeth Richards who explains why she decided to freeze her eggs. I thought it was excellent for several reasons.  As a women’s health care provider, I am acutely aware of women’s ticking fertility clocks. As we all know, our eggs age with us.  At age 30, the chance each month of getting pregnan  Read more

How much exercise is safe in pregnancy?

A recent article published by fitbie highlights the benefits of staying physically fit during pregnancy. The article suggests that healthy pregnant women may continue a regular exercise routine.  During pregnancy, exercise may help to reduce the patient’s risk for developing diabetes as well as facilitate an easier delivery. In our office, our Alpharetta high-risk obstetrics doctors consider pregnancy a state of health.  We encourage our healthy pregnant women to contin  Read more

Should I get tested for the breast cancer gene?

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… I cannot thank Angelina Jolie enough for going public with her decision to have a double mastectomy after discovering she carries the BRCA1 gene.  I can only hope that greater awareness helps us to identify women at greatest risk for breast and ovarian cancer. However, I do want to use this forum to provide some more information about who should get tested for the gene. The CN  Read more

Real Beauty – the New Dove Commercial

by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………… I don’t get a chance to watch too much TV these days.  By the time we’ve had dinner, put the kids to bed and finished cleaning up the house, we are exhausted.  Half asleep, my husband and I might catch the opening monologue of John Stewart before we collapse into bed.  So, I’m not very up to date on pop culture topics.  But since multiple people have asked me  Read more

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