by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN…………………………………. Your friends and co workers going through menopause will have no trouble telling you all about their hot flashes and weight gain. But, they might not be so open talking about sex after menopause. Unfortunately, as our periods vanish, so does the vaginal moisture. When […]
Am I too old to have kids?
by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN…………………………………. Let’s talk about it… When our patients ask this question, they are really asking 3 different questions: Can I still conceive at my age? Am I at increased risk for having a baby with chromosome problems? And, am I at increased risk for miscarriage? At […]
How do I know if I’m menopausal?
by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN …………………………….. I wish there was an easy answer to this question. I get asked this question from patients as young as 35 to those well into their 50s. For some women, they struggle with menopausal symptoms for years. Other lucky women just stop having periods, […]