7 Questions To Ask Your Gynecologist


Along with nervous anticipation of possible discomfort, the annual trip to the Alpharetta gynecology doctor’s office is often met with anxiety. Is everything healthy and normal down there? Should I be concerned about cervical cancer? What’s the deal with this lingering bump? OMG—is it an STD?

Speaking up about a strange smell, itchy bump, or a nonexistent libido is no doubt uncomfortable—but we cannot stress its importance enough to bring up during your first gyno appointment. Though it may seem embarrassing, our providers will assure you that there is no such thing as a shocking or silly question when it comes to your health.

At Roswell Ob/Gyn, as one of the best practices in Atlanta, we offer excellent care for every stage of womanhood. To schedule an appointment, please call our main office at 770-751-3600, or if you’re an existing patient click here.

Here are some essential questions gynecologists wish patients were less reluctant to ask—take note for your next visit.

  • Why am I having a difficult time losing weight? At first, this might not seem like a question for someone with expertise in female reproductive health, but in many cases, your gynecologist can serve as your primary care provider. For instance, if your BMI is higher than 25, your provider can discuss any possible consequences of excess weight to your health and risk for certain cancers, among other possible medical causes. Besides, he or she may be able to recommend some strategies to decrease your weight and increase your metabolism.
  • There is cancer in my family. Should I have genetic testing? If you have a long family history of ovarian, uterine, breast, colon, or melanoma, this should be reviewed with your provider. Based on family cancer patterns or your personal history, genetic screening for cancer-related genes can be offered to help you make more informed decisions about further prevention and testing. There are significant implications for genetic testing, and your gynecologist can assist you in making decisions regarding your risk factors.
  • Is my discharge normal? We know this is can certainly be an uncomfortable topic of conversation, but your gynecologist can help you define what’s normal from what’s not better than a quick Google search. Did you know? The vagina has over 30 organisms that help keep it free of infection and pH balanced. These various organisms produce secretions to cleanse the vagina, much like the eyes naturally do with tears and the mouth with saliva. Depending on the time of the month, it is normal for your vaginal discharge to change in smell, consistency, and texture. And it helps to know what your range of ‘normal’ is to avoid the unnecessary use of creams, soaps, and douches.
  • Is it normal for PMS to cause depression or intense irritability? Mood swings are commonly associated with PMS. Symptoms can include overwhelming anxiety, extreme depression, and fits of anger. Crying spells, outbursts, and feelings of worthlessness are all part of the mood swings that typically occur one to two weeks before your menstrual period. If your emotional ups and downs end at the start of your period, there is no cause for concern. But if these mood swings continue beyond your period or are extreme, this can suggest an underlying psychological dysfunction that needs to be discussed with your doctor.
  • Should I regularly clean my vagina or not? This is one of the more controversial topics when it comes to vaginal health. Shelves are lined with various products for feminine hygiene, but we are often told to avoid these aisles and let our bodies self-cleanse. You may have heard that the vagina is ‘self-cleaning,’ and it is, but using water and fragrance-free soap on the “outside of the” vagina is okay, safe, and recommended. Gynecologists generally suggest that you clean your labia and vulva daily as any other part of your body. Our suggested method: Using two fingers, swipe your knuckles along the labia with a gentle, non-fragrant soap. Avoid scented cloths and cleansers, talc powders, and freshening sprays. There is no need to insert feminine washes or soaps inside the vagina or flush the vagina after your cycle.
  • Can I get pimples on my vagina? Similar to the face, the vagina has sweat glands and hair follicles that are prone to dirt buildup. That’s why it’s essential to keep the area dry and fresh. Make sure your skin is clean before hair removal, whether you wax or use a razor. To help prevent ingrown hairs and acne during the regrowth process, exfoliate the skin on the days following hair removal.
  • Why am I losing my hair? Throughout different stages of life, your hair growth and loss changes. This isn’t only true as you age. Hair loss can be attributed to stress, hormonal shifts, low blood count, and pregnancy. With all the hormonal changes that occur during the postpartum hormonal storm, temporary hair loss is often seen. But don’t worry, within six to 12 months after having a baby, hair growth should be back to normal. It is recommended that patients continue taking prenatal vitamins during the postpartum period to help support their immune system and metabolism. We become more concerned if you are truly seeing bald spots. If this occurs, this is just one of 10 reasons to visits your gyno and make an appointment as soon as possible.

The Best Gyno in Atlanta

Early detection of health problems with our Ob/Gyn services can help you prepare for the best preventative measures. As one of the best gyno in Atlanta, our nurses and doctors provide care that helps guide you towards the healthiest lifestyle possible.

To learn more about our gynecologist and obstetric services or to schedule an appointment, please call our main office at 770-751-3600. If you’re an established patient, you can also use our online Request an Appointment form.

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Please call our office at 770-751-3600 and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you.
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