When Should I Start Seeing an OB/GYN?


By: Dr. Lara R. Hart, MD

As an Alpharetta women’s health doctor, patients often ask me when they should bring their daughters in for their first OB/GYN appointment. There is not always a clear answer to this question. Certainly, if a girl of any age is having an issue with any of her “bikini zone” areas (breasts, vulva, vagina) it is wise to seek the input of an OB/GYN. Once menstruation or puberty has begun it is also a good time to initiate contact with an OB/GYN. In this post, I will share with you when to start seeing an OB/GYN, as well as what those particular appointments will entail.

Young girls can experience issues prior to puberty that needs to be evaluated. Issues can include vulvar irritation, vaginal discharge, signs, and symptoms of early puberty, as well as others. The younger the patient, the more important it may be to seek out an OB/GYN comfortable with that particular age group. Generally, at these visits, the exam will focus primarily on the area that is affected. The young patient is made to feel as comfortable as possible with as much talking and explanation as is appropriate for that age range. The parent/s are always kept in the room. Personally, I use humor as much as possible to make everyone comfortable! I also have found that it is helpful to enlist the patient in her own exam. Internal exams are often unnecessary and, if deemed necessary, are scheduled to be done in the OR so the patient can receive anesthesia for comfort. We discuss more ways to maintain a healthy lifestyle as a woman in our blog celebrating the 20th anniversary of National Women’s Health Week.

Learn more about prioritizing your health and how to take preventative steps for national women’s health week by talking to one of our Alpharetta OB/GYN’s.

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Please call our office at 770-751-3600 and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you.
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