I’ve tried everything to lose this weight…


by Rachel Burt, Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner at Roswell OB/GYN………………………………….

I hear the frustration in my patients’ voices and even see the tears.  Weight control is overwhelming for many women.  There are so many layers to this issue that I don’t even know where to begin… I wish I could simply direct this conversation to the health consequences of weight.  I could easily rattle off the effects on cholesterol, glucose control, blood pressure and risks for stroke and heart attacks.  But, in order to really get at the heart of the matter, I feel the need to address our lifestyle and societal pressures living here in the US.

When a patient comes into our office to talk about weight issues, she often has a certain level of desperation.  Many women I see are working full time – either out of the house or as stay at home moms.  These women are up at 6 am, work all day, put the children to bed at night, clean up the house and then crash into bed completely exhausted. Who has time to plan out all their meals and snacks, never mind exercise! Many of us are stuck in a never ending cycle that is detrimental to our health.  Our days are focused on work and family obligations without any time left for our own health maintenance.

I don’t pretend to have the answers.  But, I do know it takes a lot of work to lose weight and stay healthy.  I talk to my patients about getting everyone in the house on-board with a new lifestyle.   Changing the way you eat, shop and live day to day takes commitment from each member of the household.  Women often feel a sense of guilt when any time away from work is not spent with the children or doing some chore for the household.  It is so hard to feel entitled to 30 minutes to ourselves for exercise 4-5 days per week, but it needs to be the family’s priority.  Healthy mommies make healthy families.

If you are struggling with your weight and would like an evaluation, please schedule an appointment with your provider by calling 770 751 3600.

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Please call our office at 770-751-3600 and we’ll be happy to schedule an appointment for you.
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