Can Endometriosis Cause Weight Gain?


a woman standing on a bathroom weighing scale, checking if her endometriosis is causing weight gain

Endometriosis is a chronic condition that many anecdotal reports say leads to weight gain. But while weight gain can accompany it, endometriosis doesn’t directly cause it. If you suspect that you are gaining weight in relation to endometriosis, we advise that you consult with your doctor or OB-GYN about its management.

To better understand weight gain’s relationship with endometriosis, we will break down its symptoms, treatments, and other experiences that accompany this disorder in this article.

What is Endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a condition where tissue similar to the uterine lining (endometrium) grows outside the uterus, leading to various symptoms.

These symptoms commonly include pelvic pain, heavy menstrual periods, pain during intercourse, and, in rare cases, infertility. It affects approximately 1 in 10 women of reproductive age globally, making it a significant concern in women’s health.

Many women with endometriosis report experiencing weight gain along with these symptoms. However, it’s important to clarify that this weight gain does not directly result from the condition itself. It is instead a consequence of the symptoms associated with endometriosis and the side effects of its treatments.

Endometriosis and Weight Gain: Factors That Cause It

Multiple factors may be contributing to your weight gain if you are diagnosed with endometriosis. However, you must understand its contributing factors to manage it, as care strategies will be programmed to target those specifically.

For instance, bloating, a common symptom, causes weight gain, although you are not necessarily accumulating fat. Ergo, addressing the weight caused by it will entail an approach that targets the bloating.

We’ll discuss these factors to shed some light on weight management tips below.

1. Bloating That Mimics Weight Gain

Endometriosis can lead to several symptoms that indirectly influence weight. Bloating, commonly referred to as “endo belly,” is a frequent complaint among those with endometriosis. Bloating can cause abdominal swelling, making you feel heavier or like you might be gaining weight.

The swelling may also affect how your clothes fit. While most people report gaining an average of at least 10 pounds due to bloating, it’s important to note that these are temporary and can fluctuate often.

2. Pain’s Impact on Lifestyle

Chronic pain is a symptom you share with others who have endometriosis. While the pain is tolerable for some, it can disrupt the daily activities of many others.

In many cases, the pain can make maintaining an active lifestyle challenging. This reduction in overall activity leads to lower calorie expenditure; over time, you may start gaining weight.

The inability to sustain physical activities may also cause an emotional toll. When this happens, you must become mindful of eating or other habits you may adopt as a coping mechanism. Increased comfort eating (even when you’re not hungry) and reduced motivation to prepare healthy meals might further contribute to weight gain.

3. Side Effects of Hormonal Therapies

Hormone replacement therapy is one of the primary treatment modalities for endometriosis. They are effective in helping manage the pain and other symptoms but can impact weight as a side effect.

Birth control pills, for instance, may cause water retention and an increased appetite. Meanwhile, gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonists (GnRH) like Lupron can lead to short-term weight gain due to changes in metabolism and body composition. Finally, progesterone injections, such as Depo-Provera, can contribute to weight gain over time.

4. Surgical Interventions and Post-Surgery Weight Changes

For some women, surgical treatment, such as a hysterectomy, is necessary to manage severe endometriosis. However, surgery can also lead to weight changes, particularly if the ovaries are removed during the procedure.

Removal of the ovaries induces surgical menopause, as estrogen levels decrease and cause the following symptoms:

  • Slowed metabolism
  • Weight gain
  • Sleep problems
  • Hot flashes
  • Vaginal dryness

As you can see, low levels or absence of estrogen slow your metabolism and consequently lead to weight gain. To manage these symptoms, your doctor might recommend hormone replacement therapies to augment your body’s reduced ability to produce estrogen.

Managing Weight with Endometriosis

As you may have learned from the previous sections, several specific factors may contribute to weight gain in endometriosis. Hence, effective weight management requires that you target these contributing factors.

Consulting with your OB-GYN should help narrow your regimen to the most impactful weight management strategies. However, as a general practice, you can effectively manage the weight by:

  • Eating the right amounts of clean, healthy food. Introduce more anti-inflammatory and nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Similarly, you must avoid or limit foods that can cause inflammation, like processed foods, trans fats, and excessive sugar.
  • Through mindful eating, you can reduce and control bloating. Finally, you must strive to stay hydrated and explore natural remedies for inflammation, like peppermint tea or ginger.
  • Exercise and maintain physical activity as tolerated. Although chronic pain can make exercise challenging, incorporating safe and gentle physical activity is beneficial for both pain management and weight control. Low-impact exercises like swimming, walking, and yoga can help maintain muscle tone and improve mood without aggravating symptoms.

Strength training is also essential, as it helps build lean muscle mass, which can boost metabolism. Patients should work closely with their healthcare provider to develop an exercise plan that suits their needs and abilities.

Final Thoughts

Though it may not directly cause weight gain, endometriosis and its symptoms can all contribute to it. Because of the concern’s multifactorial nature, managing weight gain requires a similarly multifaceted approach.

When the weight gain becomes concerning, it’s always best to work closely with your doctor to devise a management strategy. With their guidance, you can rest assured that you can stay on track with your reproductive and weight management health goals.

At Roswell Ob/Gyn, our experienced team is dedicated to providing personalized care that addresses the symptoms of endometriosis and the side effects of its treatment. Contact us today for expert guidance on managing endometriosis and maintaining your well-being.

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