What Are Kegel Exercises?
Kegel exercise is a type of exercise that aims to ward off urinary incontinence in a nonsurgical way. A gynecologist named Dr. Arnold H. Kegel invented it in 1948. When done correctly, Kegel exercises can make your pelvic floor muscles better in shape and give them the ability to support pelvic organs like the bladder and uterus more efficiently. Keep reading to learn more about kegel exercises and Alpharetta pelvic floor rehabilitation.
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How Do I Do Kegel Exercises?
The first step to doing Kegel exercises the correct way is to locate the muscles in your pelvic floor. Finding these muscles to exercise instead of the wrong ones is the first step you should take. Too many people wind up exercising the muscles in their stomach, backside, or inner thighs, which is not the correct way to do Kegels.
To find the muscles in your pelvic floor, make believe you have intestinal gas you are trying to hold in. If you are a woman, try to prevent an imaginary tampon from slipping out of you by tightening your vagina. If you are a man, make believe you are trying to stop urinating. You should feel the muscles in your pelvic area pulling back when you do this.
Once you know what to do, lie down face up and practice flexing your pelvic floor muscles. When you get the hang of it, practice doing these exercises from a sitting position and practice them while standing. Hold each contraction for a few seconds (3-5). Then relax for the same amount of time. Contract and relax your muscles ten times and avoid tightening your stomach, legs, and backside muscles. Also, avoid lifting your pelvis. Slowly increase the amount of time you contract and relax your pelvic floor muscles, but vary the time lengths.
Do a minimum of 30 sets of Kegel exercises every day, throughout each day. Lightly hold your hand on your stomach to see if you feel movement in the area, as this would indicate you are not doing the exercises correctly. Do your Kegel exercises anywhere since they can be done discreetly.
There are times when you can quickly use Kegel exercises to prevent stress incontinence. If you do them before bending down or lifting something, you may be able to prevent yourself from leaking urine. Practicing Kegel exercises as you run to use a toilet can also help prevent incontinence. Always do your Kegels after emptying your bladder first.
How Can Kegel Exercises Help Me With My Pregnancy?
Kegel exercises make giving birth more manageable, and women who give birth after regularly exercising their pelvic floor muscles are less likely to experience birth trauma. These women have an increased ability to control their pelvic muscles while they are in labor and giving birth. They may be able to lessen their chance of developing hemorrhoids and becoming incontinent after pregnancy. Kegel exercise can help the perineum heal, too, and it can help you regain control of your bladder and make your pelvic floor muscles stronger. Learn more about what to expect with pelvic floor exercises by scheduling an appointment.
What Precautions Should I Take Before Doing Kegel Exercises?
Make sure you do Kegel exercises correctly by getting Alpharetta pelvic floor rehabilitation in Alpharetta, GA. At Roswell OBGYN, you will get professional guidance and learn about well-known pelvic floor disorders. If you start doing these exercises on your own and experience pain, stop and make an appointment with a doctor. Do not do Kegel exercises without getting an okay from a medical practitioner if you have recently been injured or have recently had surgery.
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