Download a list of our accepted insurance plans
Financial Policy
Our office collects an optional Administrative Services Fee for Obstetrical patients, a one time, optional fee of $75.00 (which will be payable before delivery). If you should leave/join our practice at some time during your pregnancy then we will pro rate the $75.00 fee by charging $5.00 for each OB visit. These administrative fees are intended to cover the cost of certain administrative services we may provide that are not covered by your insurance. You are not required to pay the Administrative Services Fee; however, if you choose not to pay the Administrative Services Fee, you will be charged for all non-covered administrative services, as needed. A list of our administrative services with associated fees are as follows:
1. Completion of all forms (to include but not limited to) $75.00 per form
- School
- Adoptions
- Camp
- Foreign Travel
- FMLA (Family Medical Leave Act): It is standard for most employers to require (1) or more disability forms to be Completed prior to taking maternity leave
2. Computer-generated reports (claims, statements, payment history, etc.) patient requests, will Be charged up to $15.00 per report provided. These reports are sometimes needed for flex Benefit plans and/or yearly tax needs.
3. The ASF does NOT include medical records copying and forwarding of medical records.
If you have requested that we perform other administrative services, that are also non-covered services under your certificate of insurance, we will develop a charge for these additional, non- covered services and we will notify you and your insurance company of the additional charges associated with the service requested. It will then be your responsibility to request and pay for such services.
Explanation of Fees
Other charges, which may be incurred during pregnancy, include:
A. *Laboratory
Depending on your insurance coverage, the charge for your laboratory tests will be billed by either Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, Genzyme or on behalf of our practice through Phytest, our laboratory billing service.
If you have any questions regarding the billing for these procedures please contact the office that issued your statement. For your convenience, the appropriate contact numbers are below:
Patient Statement From:
- Quest Diagnostics: 800-326-4756
- Integrated Genetics: 844-799-3243
- LabCorp: 800-845-6167
- Phytest: 404-943-0205
B. *OtherProcedures:
All other procedures such as Ultrasounds and Non-Stress Tests will all be billed separate from the ob global fee at the time the service is rendered.