What To Expect With Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

What To Expect With Pelvic Floor Rehabilitation

Pelvic floor rehabilitation is how many women treat a variety of conditions and issues associated with the pelvic floor muscles. For example, if you complain to your Roswell OBGYN about pain during or after sex, she may refer you to a pelvic floor therapist. Many women also visit pelvic floor therapists for bladder and bowel issues, prolapse, pelvic pain, and abdominal discomfort. If you’re seeking Alpharetta pelvic floor rehabilitation, keep reading.

In an Alpharetta, GA pelvic floor rehabilitation setting, the therapist will more than likely be a rehabilitation specialist or occupational therapist. However, these therapists have received more extensive training in treating pelvic floor dysfunction and pain.

In your Alpharetta pelvic floor rehabilitation session, the therapist will first take your medical history to gauge whether or not previous injury, illness, or behavior could be causing your symptoms. You will most likely be asked about your sexual, bladder, and bowel history and be assessed for hip, back, and leg pain. While it may seem uncomfortable at first, you must answer your Alpharetta, GA pelvic floor rehabilitation specialist questions because they need to figure out the best course of action for your well known pelvic floor disorders.

A pelvic floor therapist will probably show you a diagram or model of the pelvic floor to show you how the pelvic floor muscles work. You may or may not receive an internal examination, but that is dependent on your symptoms. If the therapist believes that your pelvic pain is caused by your back or hip muscles, you may receive an external examination instead to figure out if you may have other well-known pelvic floor disorders.

When it comes to internal examinations, comfort is vital. You’re in control of the situation, and your therapist will ask for consent before conducting an internal assessment or inserting any instruments. You will also be allowed to request that another staff member is in the room with you during your exam, but that is entirely optional. If you have a history of physical or sexual trauma, this form of therapy could be complicated for you. It is why contacting Roswell OBGYN, for a pelvic floor therapist is crucial.

Most importantly, pelvic floor rehabilitation shouldn’t hurt. If you feel pain at any point during your exam or treatment, alert your pelvic floor rehabilitation specialist. They will be able to successfully treat your pelvic floor issues without causing any additional discomfort.

Not sure if you need to receive pelvic floor rehabilitation? Learn how you could make your pelvic muscles stronger with kegel exercises and other therapies. Contact your Roswell OBGYN today to get the treatment plan that’s right for you!

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